Monday 29 November 2010

Attack the block analysis

Genre - Black cinema with humour linked in as well. It is a hybrid genre which is their USP to appeal to their audience.

Narrative - There is no start and ending so the narrative is slightly unclear, this keeps the audience guessing throughout and wanting to find out more.

USP - With the narrative being unclear it keeps the audience guessing which that could be seen as their USP.

Target audience - It is targeted at teenagers as they are able to find a link between the actors and themselves. They can relate to the humour and dialogue as they are used to it in modern day life.

Music - There is a quiet backing track throughout, dialogue is used throughout. Non dialogue is also being used.

Shot types - Mid shots and close ups are used to show the characters emotions. Over the shoulder shots have been used during conversation. High angle and low angle shot are used to show who has more power during different scenes.

Pace - Fast to keep the audience on the edge of their seat, builds the tension within the scenes.

Special effects - they have used it special effects for the creatures that are attacking the block

Dialogue - it is used throughout, phrases such as "lets get tooled up blud" and "their quite sweet aren't they" shows that their is humour within the film.

Credits and intertitles - They have put the obvious intertitles such as the film name and when it is being released. Other things like the production company, other films the producer has made, the location of the film and who the enemys are.

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