Wednesday 17 November 2010

Characteristics of Hollywood Action Films

They’re fast, they’re exciting, and they keep us on the edge of our seats (or at least they’re supposed to). The plots move quickly from one dramatic event to the next and just when it seems like all problems are solved, something else happens and everything spins out of control once more. It’s up to an unwilling hero to come in and save the day.
Action films have dominated at the box office since the genre came into its own in the 1970s. They command some of the biggest budgets in Hollywood films and usually feature the world’s biggest movie stars.
Often not adored by critics, action films have been popular with audiences since the genre emerged in the 1970s (helped in part by the success of the James Bond franchise). While action heroes have existed in films since the 1920s (think Douglas Fairbanks and Errol Flynn), the genre itself didn’t become popular until directors such as John Carpenter and George Miller began making action-centered films.

Action films are known for having a few characteristics that run throughout the genre. They are always fast-paced, have a (usually male) hero-centered narrative, a beautiful love interest who will require saving, and a multitude of guns, explosions, chases, and dangerous stunts. Character development usually takes a backseat, but with so much excitement on-screen, viewers most likely won’t care.

There are many sub-genres within the larger action genre which include:

.Spy film

.Cop film

.Crime film

.Buddy film

.Superhero film

.Revenge film

.Apocalypse film

In all of these it’s up to the hero to save the day. He (or on rare occasion, she) is good, the villains are bad, and there’s nothing in between.
Action films are high-energy, big-budget, escapist entertainment. While they are not as popular as they were during the 1980s, they still dominate the box office, especially during the summer blockbuster season. Whether it’s man versus a corrupt system (a frequent theme in the 1980s), stories about the end of the world (popular at the turn of the century), or comic book heroes brought to life (the early 21st-century), it seems as though action movies will be with us for a long time to come.

By Lauren Flanagan

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