Monday 15 November 2010

Shot types for our film

We have been thinking about different shots to use in our film. We need to make sure we use the right shots for the right scene so that we can interact with the audience. We have been researching other action films and they have all used the typical shots that you would see in an action film, these are shots like close ups, medium shots, point of view, birds eye view and establishing shots.As our film is an Action we will need to use lots of close ups of particular props such as the gear sticks and car tyres. We will use medium shots to show a wider shot of what will be happening within the scene. We will use over the shoulder shots to show when the character is having a convasation and will also use a point of view shot to show what the character is facing or can see. Canted angles may also be used within the film to make the audience feel un easy and un sure of what will happen. For the fast paces scene we will probably be using close ups and medium shots. Establishing shot will be used to set the scene and Canted angles will be used to put the audience in a tense situation and thinking whats going to happen.

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